Please help me out ice cold hands and feet during iosol iodine plus binge eating!!!
Hello all,
This is my first post after reading a lot about
Iodine on this site .. Male 26 yo 93 kg 12% Bf
Recently i started taking iosol
Iodine (1,8 grams a drop) to increase energy
I starter with 2 drops a day and felt great.. More energetic...
I started taking more and then my feelings went downhill. Sympthoms are : no energy , intense cravings for carbohydrates and sugar, Cold hands and feet, feelings of mild depression....
Gained a few
pounds of fat due to
Sugar binges
My body temp mid afternoon is 36.5 degrees and heart rate 50 while at rest (sitting)
What should i do¿? Drop the iosol??
I take about 25 drops a day more or less..
I take selenium 200 mcg as a supplement
Thanks for helping me out