BODY ODOUR Touch of noise, sniffing, keeping distance
Hi everyone
For the last couple of years, i have experienced people sniffing,coughing, touch of nose, talking about me, keeping there distance. No matter where i go i experience this and it drives me mad, I have been to the GP and he said he couldn't smell anything, my GF says she has never smelt anything, my mom and dad and family say they have never smelt anything. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.
I know i have ORS has i am planning to see a strink. I know i smell otherwise i wouldn't get the sort of reactions i do. I shower everyday, wear cologne, deodorant the works. Im not a sweaty person to be fair. I just dont know what to do. its got to the point where i have actually thought of killing myself its that bad.
When i am with my GF, people dont react to me, its as if i have never had this before, life is normal, i go out for meals with her and her family, none of them sniff or touch there noses NOTHING, but as soon has i am on my own i am f***ed,
I have been tested for TMAU but it came back negative
Somebody please help