Re: Has anybody heard more about this cancer treatment? Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers
I recommend to watch professor Gershom Zajicek playlists on youtube. Here are
of some the ideas, presented in the playlist, as I understood them (better
watch for yourself). Cancer is the by product of a virus infection. Although
virus does not cause cancer, only its removal can cure it. Cancer starts by a
chronic inflammation. When stem cells are hit, organism triggers a protection
mechanism against Cachexia (please see: Cancer is a Triad [Tumor,
Para-neoplasia, Cachexia], It is assumed that stem cells, among other tasks,
also secretes a substance to sustain tissue). This is done by mobilizing a pull
of stem cells to a new organ namely, tumor. In the beginning the deficiency is
low and compensated by a minor tumor. Patient experiences some fatigue and
otherwise feels healthy. With time the deficiency grows and tumor has to grow
too and causes pain. Patient seeks for medical help and the clinical phase of
the disease starts.