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Wrong, wrong, wrong
White Shark Views: 1,467
Published: 9 y
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Wrong, wrong, wrong

Immunosuppressants and DRUGS are NOT THE ONLY SOLUTION for ECZEMA!

What I consider wrong are statements that people on the Eczema Spectrum always need a treatment, or that it must be managed with moisturizers, corticosteroids, Antibiotics or immunosuppressants or any other drugs.

In large amount of Eczema cases, Eczema is an intolerance or an allergy reaction to something in our environment.

More often than not, that something is in food, water, air, house, clothes, carpets or furnitures.

Millions of people have found a safe way of controlling eczema by eliminating eczema triggers that are possible to be eliminated.

Yes, they stop using all moisturizers, all Antibiotics , all corticosteroids and all immunosuppressants and all drugs.

Read this:

The most common eczema triggers in babies are:

* mother milk, if mother have consumed anything that baby may have problems tolerating

* baby formulas, if it contains anything that baby may have problems tolerating. Most formulas have 20-50 different ingredients, and it is enough if just one of those ingredients is a trigger. Very often, hypersensitive babies react to more than just one ingredient in formula.

The most common eczema triggers in diet are:

* pasteurized and homogenized milk (some kids that react to pasteurized milk will not react to raw milk or to other dairy milk products).
* dairy products such as milk, butter, cream, cheese, yogurt and ice-cream
* eggs
* wheat
* gluten
* seafood like shrimps
* tree-nuts like walnuts, hasselnuts, etc
* peanuts
* soy
* food preservatives and food additives like nitrates , nitrites , sorbates , benzoates , citrates , sulfites , MSG, etc
* berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries
* Sugar added to food
* tomatoes like in tomatoes paste, ketchup and pizza
* pineapples
* bananas
* other tropical fruits
* industrially processed foods
* plastics like in plastic baby bottles
* coconuts(rare)
* almonds (rare)
* polluted water or additives added to water (rare)
* rice (rare)
* sallicilates

The most common eczema triggers in environment are:

* laundry detergents (present in over 99% of all houses in the western world)
* cat and dog dander (present in over 80% of all houses in the western world)
* dust and dust mites (present in over 99% of all houses in the western world)
* plastics (bisphenol A, BPA) (present in over 99% of all houses in the western world)
* synthetic clothing (present in over 99% of all houses in the western world)
* pollen
* flame retardants (present in over 99% of all houses in the western world)
* wall paints (rare)
* pesticides used inside or outside house
* black mold
* polluted water or additives added to water (rare)
* polluted air
* perfumes
* cosmetics
* shampoos
* tooth paste
* nickel (rare)
* rubber
* copper
* hair dies

Some of those triggers are easy to manage, easy to discover, and easy to eliminate, like dietary triggers.

Others like pollen or dust mites are not as easy to eliminate, but it is still possible, with air filters, moving to live to a different place, etc.

Immunosuppressants are NOT THE ONLY SOLUTION!



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