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Re: scars from my severe stage 5 strongyloide parasitic infection
Flossy Views: 1,309
Published: 9 y
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Re: scars from my severe stage 5 strongyloide parasitic infection

SHARKMAN can buy an instrument called a Dermapen.

It is basically like a tattooing tool but you dont use any ink in it. It has multiple needles which puncture the skin and this makes the body produce new collagen.

I will PM you the link to where to buy it.

I am also looking into buying myself a small tattoo gun and flesh coloured ink to do some experimenting with covering my similar scars and bringing them closer to skin colour.

Tattoo artists will do it but the local guy here is hard to pin down. He has agreed to do two trial patches using different skin tones. Just have to wait for him to have a spot.

Cosmetic tattooists will do it also but cost a fortune. I had my eyebrows done and that was $800.

Besides I want more control over it therefore am considering doing my mite scars by myself after some experimenting.


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