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Re: Sores??? And..could use a friend to talk to who understands and won't run away.
Positive mind Views: 986
Published: 9 y
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Re: Sores??? And..could use a friend to talk to who understands and won't run away.

I think there are many people in similar shoes here! You can always post a message like this, no?
I think you are way too much concerned with your body. Being afraid, disgusted and not accepting about your situation and any symptoms or bodily manifestations is like your mind blocking your body from healing itself. The more worried and desperate you become, i think the harder it is to get better.
Your mind will not be so crazy, overwhelming and negative if you can calm it down. Why don't you try meditation? You can do it on an island and on your own. It will calm you down and help you heal. I have tried vipassana meditation, you can do that for free during a 10 day course (you do have to stay there for this time) and then practice at home. To me it made an unbelievable difference. Recently did not meditate much (having had a child) but started again and it really works systemic. You will not feel so lonely and focused on your disease anymore.


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