Re: Day 12 and already my longest fast!
Hey, congratulations on your 12 days! I'm so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your experience! It's so awesome that your cysts are gone. Seeing stuff like that is such a great motivator to go on. Funny you mention day 16. that was how it went for me. everything got easier after day 16. You are almost there!
A lot of people say the spiritual benefits come after day 21. I found that to be bang on for me. I went to day 28, and that last week was by far the most rewarding spiritually and emotionally.
Good for you taking control of your life. It is such an amazing reset.
I have read that the healing comes in cycles of 7, or the body works on that cycle. So I stopped at the end of a cycle, when I was feeling good. I think this helped my to feel good after breaking the fast. Just a little suggestion. End while you feel good, and you will feel better with refeeding. Ive heard of people ending while they feel like crap, and it takes way longer to feel the positive results of fasting.