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Re: Need help on my birthday :(
jaguar57 Views: 799
Published: 9 y
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Re: Need help on my birthday :(

Going alternative is not for the weak of heart.
You need to gracefully tell her (before everyone gathers around the cake) that you are on a strict diet for health reasons and you will set yourself back if you eat the 90%( by weight) Sugar cake. If you go "timid" then people will take advantage of you and put you down. Take the initiative and explain yourself so if they say anything then it will obvious they are being a jerk.

if you want to really be brave here are some outrageous things you can say:
no thank you, I don't want diabetes, heart disease, and about 10 other diseases that Sugar causes.
no thank you, I want to live to 100.
no thank you, Sugar is a drug and I am no longer addicted.
no thank you but I have reversed my thinking and I no longer mistreat my body (as all of you do because of your hidden death wish) but I lovingly care for it and only give it truly nutritious food.


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