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Re: Please help me identify cause of pain and these thread like things in stool!
glaxony Views: 4,507
Published: 9 y
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Re: Please help me identify cause of pain and these thread like things in stool!

Unless you ate something stringy it is probably some kind of a worm. Doesn't really matter what kind, the cure is the same. I had a plant that turned brown and died. When I pulled up the stalk to throw it away there were worms in the root of the plant that looked like skinny earth worms or the kind that you go fishing with. The darn worms killed my plant!~~~ I had no idea worms got in plant roots and killed them. I thought worms were supposed to be good for the soil and make it rich and make the plants grow. It was disgusting. What you've go there look like the worms that ate my elephant ear. And if they can kill a big old plant, no telling what they will do to the human body. I would start taking Wormwood and going after intestinal worms relentlessly if I were you, as I do.


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