Guess you never heard good health starts at the bad cavitys? Just get rid of them all ready. have not been to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned for years?
Get your @$$ to the dentist and get that crap out of your mouth. By the sounds of it. It has been years since your last plague cleaning. The shit smell is from the plague build up wicth is bacteria.
You now have a major bacteria imbalance in your mouth you need to wipe out the bad bacteria first. Get you teeth cleaned and its going to hurt alot trust me.
Then start using baking soda as mouth wash. Use a lot of baking soda make into a thick past with wate and use as a mout wash try to keep in your mout for 5 mins there times aday.
Baking soda and proxide helped me alot as a mouth wash. But get eat up your tooth enamel fast.
People here talk about Baba Ramdev Patanjali Divya Dant Manjan Herbal Tooth Powder For Healthy Teeth I just ordered some I hope it helps me.