Doing my best to get back to a life worth living!
Ok here goes; I´m a single father with a history of crohns and some skindisorders. I´m overweight and I want to try my best to get back to a life worth living. I´ve been through more hell than I care to remember and almost considered ending my life because of all the pain I went through. My son of 3y old is what kept me going.
I watched "Fat sick and nearly dead" by Joe Cross, and got inspired to give it a shot. I´ve done
juicing in the past, but never for longer than a few days. This is my plan, along with some questions.
:: The plan is to loose as much fat as possible while maintaining musclemass or at least limit the decreasing of m mass. While
juicing I would need to increase my intake of protein in order to do this and since
juicing does not provide that much protein. I weigh around 250lbs so I figured I would need around 100g of protein a day. I have hemp protein at home and I don´t want to take protein from milk so no casein.
Any tips on how to increase protein in other ways? I know soybeans have high contents of protein.
I want to aim high and go for 90-days of juicing. Regarding fat, is it "dangerous" to not eat healty fats of 90-days? Or should I just add some avacado and omega-3 supplemeants on the quest?
I´m doing 80-90% veg and 10-20% fruits since the "bad sides" of juicing would be to do fruit too much due to fructose (bad teeth etc.). Green veg mostly.
0.7-1litre of juice daily.
Anything else? Oh and I will do weight training while doing this
Much appreciated!