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Broke fast
rawrnr Views: 803
Published: 9 y

Broke fast

broke fast!
We had some oranges and juice last night B4 bed. We also made 4 liters of organic OJ with the pulp. Been drinking it all day as wanted, also had a few oranges to stimulate digestion. Steve is peeling 2 HUGE buckets of oranges as I type this!! We will continue the OJ and eating oranges until tomorrow night or Sunday at lunch to have a meal of potatoes, covered in mixed veggies and salsa on a bed of romaine!! My diet will stay the same.... VEGAN but I will experiment with attempting to go oil free, unless we eat out... which is about once a week. I may also add Steele Cut Oats to breakfast with fruit instead of just fruit... Not sure.. but the ZERO oil thing I am sure of!!
I will continue to post about the breaking of this fast for a few days... I know many of you are interested in weight gain as well... I am 112 from 138. I'm 5'8".... I look awful and NEED to gain at least 10 pounds before showing my face at the gym!!! My ass, boobs and legs are GONE!


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