Hi Baba!!
I just got over that nasty flu that is going around. Oddly enough I found with this bug I was just flat not interested in eating for about 5 days so I did a bit of a forced fast. When your body gets real sick it often times wants you to not eat so it can divert it's attention to getting better. The Master-Cleanse appears to be just what an ailing body would want. The lemon is a powerful healer, the pepper is just awesome in it's power to move out the yuckies, the syrup keeps up the organic minerals you need to get better. In my instance I used a few drops of Lobelia extract every hour or so to help keep my lungs clear and it helped alot. I also used Zicam and a nasal spray that contained tea tree oil and zinc. The rest of my family did the standard OTC route but truthfully it did not help them at all. No reducton in the headache or symptoms. In my reading I was over on Mercola's site and he recommends that u put a couple of drops of peroxide 3% in each ear every hour till you feel better to fight the battle. I did not try this though. It seems our ears are the main entry point of the flu in his research. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better!!