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Re: Entering the Gate of God
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Re: Entering the Gate of God

Most people don't know the true meaning of repentance an what they do is lay against the foundation of repentance from act that lead to death,they don't realize that repentance means to turn away from,an it means that u ARE sorrowful for what u have done an that You promise that u will not do it again, an the bible says don't make a promise to the lord an delay in fulfilling it cause he will certainly demand it from you, don't let your mouth lead u into sin,because you made that promise freely out your own mouth,example,please God don't let the cop pull me over I don't have a license an i'v been drinking,that promise was made freely out there own mouth, that's what it means when he said don't let your mouth lead you into sin,now all of a sudden the cop drives around them,now they wanna call it luck,rather than acknowledging God ,they call it luck , not realizing that it was God to whom they made the promise,don't let your mouth lead u into sin,you see you are your own worse enemy an that saying is so true because the Bible says that your own mouth will testify against you an your own lips will condemn you not mines,what they don't realize is that they are storing up wrath against them selves, they think that because he kept silent when ever they sinned, that he was like them,they thought because a ray of lighting didn't come down from heaven every time they smoked,every time they drink or even every time they sinned that it was OK because he kept silent, but he does this to demonstrate his justice, he WILL be proven right when he speaks an justified when he judge's,his word Will not return back void,an I already know what you are saying who read this, that where only human it's in our nature an like the Bible says put off your earthly nature an be made new, that's exactly why u must crucifie your flesh like I spoke about before,so stop trying to use that as an excuse, because those who knows the good an doe's not do it commits sin period. An man WILL be left without excuse so take heeth of this an repent now an live, period, stop trying to make truth out to be what u want it to be,rather than what it is ,repent now an live,PS YOU HAVE EARS BUT DO YOU HERE????????????


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