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A Fellah Just Can't Win

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blackseed Expert Views: 667
Published: 9 y

A Fellah Just Can't Win

As far as Islam, Muslims and Terrorists, I just plain give up. There is so much hatred going on in the US, it is not a debatable subject. The news has convinced people all Muslims are bad and we should be killed. So kill us. I think that is the best scenario. Just kill everyone you hate.

I think it is those who think they are doing something to people who don't want to die. Nope, my new philosophy is you should kill as many people you hate. Well yes you will go to hell and yes you will go to jail, but hey, that means I win. So for those who follow the latest trend in the US and want to kill all Muslims, I say go for it.

But wait, if you kill everyone you hate, then you would have to kill your neighbor, your mother, your dog and even your mother-in-law. Before long you will be so busy all day long killing people you will not have time to work, eat or brush your teeth.

But it is a free world. Oh wait, that can't be true because Muslims cannot practice their religion, Maria cannot hate Trump and Jo Blow cannot marry because he hates being faithful. Why if we all kill everyone we hate, the world would be extremely peaceful as no one would be around.

So if you want to kill, do it. If you want to
divorce, just do it and if you want to please God? Oh dear what does he say about that. He says killing your brother is as if you killed the entire world. Oh dear, then we must go back to the golden rule and do unto others as you do unto your self. That means instead of killing Muslims, you would have to find an American Muslim with 3 children and a dog and hand him your gun and say go ahead and shoot me because just yesterday I wanted to do that to you.

But hey if the stupid idiotic FBI had not stopped the man on Saturday who wanted to bomb American Muslims and the KKK from building that huge rocket to kill American Muslims, your job would be done. See the damn FBI screwed you again.

Fearing Muslims is like fearing getting on a plane. If you count how many Muslims killed Americans, you would have to fear going near a cow as they have killed more folks than that. Oh well. Now if life was simpler.

Now what ever you do don't take any pharmaceutical drugs as they will make you sick and make you mad and God bless it, you will want to kill them too. A fellah just can't win.


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