Big Pharma Profit Margins Trump Public Safety
Thanks, however I did not see the answer to my primary question. Does anyone know about the proposed alternative adjuvant that has supposedly been stuck in the FDA approval process?
The following from S Humphries touches on my question. The video came up after the Shaw video.
She quotes a Dr T Jefferson of the The Cochrane Collaborative on the issue of replacing aluminum adjuvants.
"Despite a lack of good quality evidence we do not recommend that any further research on this topic is undertaken." 2004 Lancet
"Assessment of the safety of aluminum in vaccines is important because replacement of aluminum compounds ... would necessitate...a completely new compound that would have to be investigated before licencing. No obvious candidates to replace aluminum are available..." @31 minutes into the talk
Dr Suzanne Humphries. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms: The case against aluminum in vaccines.
Of course the Jefferson statement was in 2004.
The article I quoted in my first post says there are newer, safer adjuvants that are being suppressed by the FDA.
We can see why. The FDA serves the interests of Big Pharma over the safety of the public.
Big Pharma has an obligation to their stock holders not to public safety. Since we can't sue the Big Pharma companies for vaccine damage, why do they care about public safety?
In the end apparently profit margins for Big Pharma trump public safety.