anyone with elevated norepinephrine or adrenal fatigue?? Premature ejaculation issues
Hi Guys
I suffer from severe premature ejaculation(PE) in few seconds, after lots of researching and blood analisys i suspect that it can be caused by elevated norepinephrine. please see my results:
DHEA-S 444 ug/dl 80-560
Dopamine: 36 ng/l <94
Epinephrine 61 ng/l <84
norepinephrine 701ng/l <420
my norepinephrine is out of range almost the double of the normal
values. after read some medical journals, norepinephrine triggers the
ogasm and elevated values is sign of stress that caused by adrenal fatigue or tyroid disfunctions. but i read to many things that im not sure if it is the cause. i already checked my tyroid it seems normal but im not doctor
T3 79 ng/DL 60-181
1,22 nmol/L 0,92-2,79
t4 6,4 ug/DL 4,5-10,9
82,4 nmol/L 58,1 - 140,6
tsh 2,59 mUI/L 0,55 - 4,78
reverse t3 0,19 ng/ml 0,10-0,35
my questions here:
1) someone here with proven elevated norepinephrine suffer from PE?
2) someone here recovered from PE by improving the adrenal glands ?
3) best way to heal the adrenal glands?