Re: email address
1 fact in life:
burn all window's computers and this world would be better off.
I wasted so much $$$ and endless time when using windows.
Once I went to MAC, no more viruses, no more failures, no need to buy another computer again.
It is strange how gov buildings keep using that trash and will have 2 full time workers that do absolutely nothing but go from desk to desk all day every day helping the office employees……..
There is zero reason for all the computers people keep buying and all the problems they have keeping them running………I think they deliberately have destroyed the use of the home computers so they could force the normal person to use cell phone/computers and that way the gov can easier record 100% of everything you do and your exact location 24/7 for your entire lifetime.
Get a MAC and once you know how to use it, your computer problems are over.
The only problem with the MAC is when you spend years fighting the windows computer and then have to relearn the buttons…if I can do it, anyone can do it.