I have done some reading on his website, classicalchinesemedicine.org he has really interesting articles. Apparently the current tcm was made under Mao, what a disappointment! The classic attitude and knowledge is almost lost. That the whole idea is completely westernized. So sad! This confirms my experience from today, i went to see a chinese doctor in the local center for tcm. She looked like she just stepped out from a communist factory, as a former inspector. This could not be a problem but her way of communicating and reaction were very similar to my own housedoctor, worst of the kind.. She has looked at me with such a shock when i took my papers out on the article and when she doubted that nothing from the stool test was found. I asked her if she thinks i am making it up, that was her final shock. Her formula should be clearing out the intestines first... So i will continue to search for a cure on my own.
But again, many thanks for the info, really good!