Grizz- Alleged Authority (Bible) of Colloidal Silver.
I have to disagree with Grizz the remarks stating that this website is the “Bible” of the
Colloidal Silver industry. Any fool with half a brain after reading this website can quickly discern that they are completely one sided and are distorting the truth.
That website was developed by insiders at Purest Colloids and some other related outfit, originally they started to try to discredit the High PPM chemically made Ionic Silver, while also pretending to be an “Authority” on nanoparticle
Colloidal Silver standards and methodology. While they have their own testing equipment, I believe their reports are “highly twisted” and “distorted” to suit their cohorts needs.
They have not kept up with the times: If you study their website, all they do is crap on anything that is not nanoparticle colloids while trying to bolster certain nanoparticle
Colloidal Silver companies and products, while devaluing nanoparticle competitors to be less than the companies that they support.
A REAL report should come from a World Famous Independent testing facility that are not going to compromise their good standing with the Scientific Community. Their analysis of other companies products is a scam.
They have not tested Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver because they (like many on this forum) want to suppress the knowledge of the fact there is a superior product on the market.
Doing so would instantly cause people to seek out this High PPM product and investigate its features and benefits some of which are: High PPM Colloidal Silver with, the smallest particle size achievable in the history of Colloidal Silver, that does not use chemicals because the atomic particles is attached to the water molecules.
They come down hard on Ionic Silver and rightfully so since it is made with horrific chemicals., while ignoring other companies that produce nanoparticle colloidal silver that is made with EMBALMING FLUID YUK!
They refuse to show the Report from Rice University that shows that there are SILVER IONS in nanoparticle products and that it is the SILVER IONS in the nanoparticle products that actually kill the pathogen and not the nanoparticle.
The Rice University Reports proves how wrong, and how biased their conclusions are.
That being said, it must be understood that nanoparticle colloidal silver contains IONS, which are smaller than nanoparticles (two times the size of atoms) and THAT is what has rendered the FEW success stories that some people read about.