I "modified" the flush protocol. I ingested nothing after noon except apple juice and organge juice. I drank some magnesium citrate with the oil and lemon. I lay down for 2 hours at 11 PM but could not sleep. I have problems with restless leg syndrome sometimes. What helps me is to get up and eat some meat. So that's what I did and drank the rest of the magnesium citrate too.
I figured (rightly?) the liver stones had surely already been expelled after 2 hours. I have seen no liver stones today, except maybe some very tiny ones. The magnesium citrate gave me the usual diarrhea.
However, I was not sure I would see any stones, anyway. I have been taking Stone Free. When I did a flush over a week ago to supplement the supplement, I got about 200 very small stones, looking to me like they had maybe been shrunken by the Stone Free. (Stone Free did not make all my symptoms go away, which is why I went back to doing some liver flushes.)