Re: Colloidal Silver
RE; But of course no one would ever ask what kind of unit YOU use, right? To achieve the TRUE' golden silver? Gosh, I can postulate an implied outcome---sooo very odd.
If you re-read the comment, you'll find that making colored colloidal silver is not dependant on the type of generator at all. Though the potential in doing this can be hindered with generators using cut-off circuits.
Now if you asked me what generator to use to either get around this or maximize your chances at acheiving a colored solution, then I'd answer what I've always answered on the forum over the years. - to build you own.
RE: If I kept my maker at the right temperature, it always came out clear, and I got some in the neighborhood of 60 to 70, many times and if it got too hot, amber at 15 ppm, so that sounds hinky to me.. So, although you seem quite the nice and reasonable fellow(?) yeah, I guess I have some questions about your information and motivations.
Having read and reread this portion of your comment, I have to say that have no idea what you're trying to say here whatsoever (sorry).
That said, I think it's quite clear that there a serious communication barrier between us and so with that in mind, I'll just leave you to your comments and bid you a nice day :)