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Re: Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver Particle Size Comparisons.
Monatomics Views: 1,392
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Re: Atomic Particle Colloidal Silver Particle Size Comparisons.

Modern physics tells us that atoms are considered to be electrically neutral if they have the exact amount of both protons and electrons. When external factors force atoms to have either a shortage or a surplus of electrons they’re called atomic ions or “Ions” for short.

Ions are created from thermal, electrical, radiation and chemical influences. Polarity is revealed with ions as they exhibit either a positive (+) or a negative (-) electrical charge. Those having a positive charge are called cations (+) and ions with a negative charge are called anions (-).

Ions can be found in three different types:

Monatomic ions, which are composed of a single atom, Polyatomic ions, which are made up of multiple ions and finally Molecular ions which are larger sized ions made from many monatomic and polyatomic ions being clustered together. Molecular ions present a serious concern in relation to Colloidal Silver solutions.

Studies conducted by The Rice University indicated that ionic particles of silver are responsible for making silver toxic to bacteria. However, even if ionic silver is toxic to bacteria, if it cannot penetrate the bacteria its effectiveness is minimal at best.

Now the interesting part: Nanoparticles of Colloidal Silver seldom remain as separate individual particles in a solution of water. Since they’re unable to attach to the molecules of water, they immediately begin attaching themselves to each other in rapid, sequential steps. First, most of the unstable monatomic ions attract other individual ions and quickly transform into polyatomic ions that are composed of multiple Monatomic Ions.

Magnetic particle attraction increases once the polyatomic ions have formed. Masses of polyatomic ions keep attracting quantities of nanoparticles which quickly transform into huge molecular sized ionic clusters.

Nanoparticles of silver that were 8 to 200 billionths of a meter in size grew a thousand fold and became micro-particle groups that are between 8 and 200 millionths of a meter in size, which is a thousand times larger.

The formation of these molecular sized, ionic silver, particle groups creates a problem. Bacteria of Staphylococcus Aureus averages between ½ and 1 micrometer in size. A molecular ionic silver particle that’s between 50 and several hundred micrometers in size is not going to penetrate bacteria that small. Ultrasmall bacteria average between 320 nanometers long by 240 nanometers wide. Colloidal Silver nanoparticles are often as large as 200 nm in size.

Particles that are ⅔ the size of the bacteria itself also will not be able to penetrate it.

The reason nano and ionic particles of silver give just bare; minimal results is because of the way they work. They smash bacteria, viruses and similar pathogens with particles that bruise, cut and mildly shock these microorganisms while only killing off small numbers of them. The microorganisms retaliate from this assault by excreting various toxins to protect themselves.

Toxins produced in this manner are combined with the chemical residues left in the ionic and nanoparticle silver solutions. Together, these create a sudden imbalance in a person’s system when solutions like this are ingested. This in turn initiates the Herxheimer Reaction making the person even sicker before they get well.

Then when you consider that upon taking the nanoparticle colloidal silver the nanoparticles can get stuck in the kidneys as reported by the Mayo Clinic, they are too large to get effectively excreted from the digestive system.

Couple that with the fact they were in your stomach for a few hours, basking in hydrochloric acid (which is known to cause baldness)...... nanoparticle product is not the way to go.

This is why rapid penetration into pathogens is important.



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