A young teenager who had to be rescued out of a lake in which he had nearly drowned was infected with bacteria, supposedly, that “triggered” his Crohn’s disease, an extremely debilitating inflammation of the bowels and intestines that can be terminal.
The bacterial infection in the water was the medical explanation given for Coltyn Turner’s sudden downturn in his health. His treatment involved antibiotics initially, but soon turned to useless drugs with powerful side effects to resolve his sudden outbreak of Crohn’s Disease.
Lindita Rrahmani commented on the MAM (Millions Against Monsanto) facebook page , “He got a bacterial infection, and… it triggered Crohn’s disease”. No, the antibiotics Big Pharma paid his doctor to give him caused the Crohn’s.
Personally, I suspect that Coltyn was infected with Giardia, the only parasite requiring strong antibiotics. Most other problematic parasites carried in water can be eliminated with a round or two of parasite cleansing treatments that are sold over-the-counter in Mexico or online domestically.
Soon Coltyn became emaciated, racked with pain, and wheelchair bound. All that turned around after his family left Illinois and sought cannabis oil as a last resort. On the way to being allowed medical supervision using cannabis in Colorado, Coltyn made a comment that went viral,
“I’d rather be alive illegally than dead legally.”
It’s almost a battle cry for medical marijuana.
At the one-minute 50 second mark of this video, Coltyn tells his story.
Coltyn’s Case Is Not The Only One
Other anecdotal Crohn’s-cannabis cases and research confirm cannabis is able to create relief and remission with Crohn’s without harmful side effects. Some Crohn’s victims reported success with even smoking pot to relieve symptoms enough to stay away from further allopathic treatments and pharmaceuticals.
Then there’s the famous story of Shona Banda, a Crohn’s victim who at one point in her life was so bad off after having several parts of her GI tract surgically removed that she was waiting to die. After coming across the Rick Simpson’s “Run from the Cure” video on cannabis for curing cancer, she wondered if there was anyway should could make her own oil.
But she lived in Kansas, and it seemed impossible. Her cannabis oil discovery was quite serendipitous.
After living in Colorado for a while and working in a medical marijuana dispensary, she went back to Kansas. Perhaps due to her separation from her husband and needing to find stable income work. It turned out to be a bad move. After finishing her book, Live Free or Die, Shona continued her outspoken cannabis advocacy back home in Kansas, not exactly fertile ground for raising cannabis awareness.
One day, a local drug enforcement representative came to her 11 year old son’s school to raise anti-pot awareness. Shona’s young son disagreed with his expressed viewpoint and claimed it cured his mom and she uses it all the time – whoops! Shona should [have] schooled her son on keeping quiet around law enforcement types.
That’s what lead to this.
Shortly after the above video, the state of Kansas charged Banda with “five felony counts of possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, manufacturing Tetrahydrocannabinol, an oil extracted from marijuana, two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and one count of child endangerment,” according to the Washington Post.
That’s what you get for taking responsibility for your health and curing yourself outside the Medical Mafia.
By the way, one of Shona’s main concerns as she lay helpless from her Crohn’s before discovering how to make her cannabis oil was getting well enough to be a better mom.