Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with me?
I have the following:
-History of chronic yeast infections (early 20s)
-History of breast cancer (3 yrs ago)
-Current ovarian cyst (discovered last month)
-Teeth grinding (10+ years)
-undereye bags (new)
-digestive issues -- bloating (new)
-Sebhorreic dermatitis of the scalp (1 year)
-Raynauds (7+ years but went into remission with tamoxifen but has since resurfaced in the past month)
-Weak ogasms.. currently very difficult to acheive at all.
-Frequent urination (this comes and goes but lately has been bad)
I stay away from grains and sugars and am taking I3c, probiotics, fish oil, and tamoxifen.
I work out almost every day and try to eat organic.
Please help!
I am 31, took adderall for a number of years in college, took birth control for a short period in college, tons of antibiotics and unhealthy food as a child.