Cayenne has been a regular part of my daily habits a good ten years ..... "easier to take", if this means avoiding the heat for the mouth, sinuses and throat, generally means capsules . I personally prefer the heat sensations and usually have both bulk dried and tincture on hand all the time and usually my own grown that keeps well a long time. Tincture is nice for convenience and taking as quick daily dosing or antiseptic for cuts and scrapes, but there are times it is worthwhile to have properly dried powder - loose ideally instead of capsule - for making a strong, invigorating hot tea with or without other hetbs like ginger and or sassafras. Especially during cold and cold weather season or anytime of year when in need of a circulatory boost there is nothing like a cup of fresh brewed. I have used Schulze's tincture, this will be pricey to use over the long term, didn't know he offered bulk, it is probably good stuff but there are good alternative sources too, a few of them have a presence here on CZ.