Blog: Path of my Life
by Karlin

Truth Emerges in 2015

Lies of our Leaders are being exposed.

Date:   11/22/2015 3:26:10 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1834 times

Truth Emerges

The FACTS may be the facts, but when we had the former leader of our nation [Canada] telling us one thing, and scientists are telling us the opposite, and then the scientists get a gag order.... well then things become clouded.

NOW, however, in "the technology age", we have an alternative source for news and although there is obviously still political control over the mainstream media, now we are able to get information from other sources [eg. the alternative news].

Also, for the benefit of truth, in Canada, for the first time in 7 years, all the Provincial Premiers are going to meet with Canada's new Prime Minister, and for the first time EVER these political leaders are going to talk to each other about GLOBAL WARMING.

Also for the first time EVER, they won't be discussing "is it REAL?". They won't be hearing the Prime Minister saying anything about "Ya, but an email from England had an exaggeration in it and therefore global warming CANNOT be real" - because the facts remain the facts no matter who is telling lies.

The Premiers and PM will be discussing "how to reduce emissions that are causing global warming" - really,they will be discussing reality!!

Also in the news is that the USA has been HELPING ISIS, not killing them. ISIS financing sources includes G20 countries, and whoever is buying the oil that ISIS is stealing from Syria.

Enough small talk - the bigger truth that is coming out is that Prime Ministers and Presidents have been telling us LIES.

We CAN believe the alarmists and the conspiracy theorists - they were right about global warming AND they are right about "the big conspiracy of fake war against terrorism".

In 2003 the USA declared that they have the right to invade and occupy "any nation that supports terrorism or harbors terrorists". Now, in 2015, we find out that the USA is supporting ISIS, and that there are terrorists in mainland USA.

I have been waiting for over a decade to see how the U.S.A. will "invade and occupy" the U.S.A.. I expect a great deal of "shock and awe" from American citizens.

I hope they hit them hard and that they fire back until they are.... oh ya, I am not supposed to say things about ________ . "Men in Black" might be knocking on my door if I do - LOL, ROFL - but it is funny movie we are living in.

The TRUTH will come out. Leaders who tell lies will not have 30 years of protection anymore - the news comes out quickly now, thanks to the Alt News outlets.

If I may - one suggestion - avoid the MSN [mainstream news] altogether - they have ways of brainwashing viewers [eg.- subliminal messages].

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