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Re: Sound Therapy
vairagi Views: 1,332
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Re: Sound Therapy

Ive never followed thru with Shari's actual tecnique. I would go back and visit her site over the years, looking for tips and tecniques but the cost for anything further than the free download program stopped me.
Dr Manner's tecniques are a lot like what Shari is using, it would seem. Tones inpinged into systems to ellicit response and change, based on cellular and perhaps molecular frequency principles. Like you said music to calm the savage beast, whether that beast is an identities non cycling brain waves or malignant cellular activity.
If changing the painted walls color in waiting rooms, detention rooms and prisons can help as much as the evidence shows they do, it will be great when the 'elevator soundtrack' is finally upgraded to specific melodic or perhaps not, frequencies of love and peace.(in some text I read that Dr Rife wanted to use exisiting power lines to run a healing frequency out into the populace)

I do like and practice with the sound resonance onto drinking water and brainwave, organ and cellular systems for affecting health situations.
The sound machine is very real in my experience tho like many of these subtle therapies, if the actual activating principle is not well understood, and the tecnique is used haphazardly, so to speak, than people tend to presuppose what the results may be and are often dissatisfied when things dont clear up as fast as they wish(cause the real cause(s) are still activating)


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