Re: CS Recipe Ideas, Suggestions Wanted
You can easily test whether your CS(variant) is suseptible to chloride by doing the salt test. ie, take and warm-up a small amount of CS and add a small pinch of salt to observe the reaction. To which I'd add, I think you'll find that all but HVAC
Colloidal Silver solutions will exhibit a reaction to some degree or another.
This is one of the main contenders to the so-called chemical reduction CS solutions that are said to be stabilized or reduced to true elemental silver particle. When in truth, I have yet to observe any form of chemical reduced silver solutions that did not react with sodium chloride in spite of the broad range of claims made to the contrary.
Having said that, if your really needing to rinse your nasal passage with CS, I'd recommend trying a true HVAC particulate solution. Which will have no problems withstanding the presence of chloride in the mix. Or alternatively, try nebulizing the CS as suggested.