Re: cure for interstitial cystitis
I am an IC suffer.. I have been going thru this for 2 years.. I went to my gyno who diagnosed me with vaginal dryness and gave me a cream and sent me on my way.. Well this never worked. I was getting uti symptoms about every two months.. Between my gyno and physician some were positive some were negative.. I would get an
Antibiotic and feel great .. 4 days later everything is back again.. I then took a trip to the ER. Which they found a stone.. The stone passed.. I went to a urologist and went for a cystosopy.. Which came back IC.. I was put on a strict diet and an estrogen cream insert.. Mind you my estrogen level is fine.. In one week they told me they want be to do vaginal therapy.. I went to a kidney specialist who told me I have cystitis too and there are many things to try.. I read about the long term
Antibiotic and told each doctor that when I take an
Antibiotic I feel great.. But no one wants to give me a long term antibiotic.. My family doctor now wants to treat me for depression.. I'm not depressed I am just out of my mind with this disease.. I noticed if I use a vaginal moisturizer insert it takes the edge off.. My mom gave me a few Xanax for my nerves... The lowest dose.. Which I read a lot of people use this for IC.. So I talked to my family doctor and she will not perscribe it.. Saying its habit forming... Which I understand... But what no one understands is when I take one low dose of Xanax at 500 am and use a little vagisil every morning. I have no symptoms and I feel great.. I explained this to my kidney specialist And he said he can not perscribe it and talk to my family doctor and explain how it makes you feel good.. So I did and she still won't perscribe it.. She told me use Tylenol and now wants me to try cymbalta. Well I did and I got extreme headaches. So then it was lexapro. Ok tried and felt like I was jumping out of my skin.. Now it's Ativan and I can't even function. I'm so tired.. But thank you for my mom she gave me a few Xanax to try and I am In heaven.. How can I explain to my doctor I'm not addicted nor going to get addicted. I don't want the high I just to feel normal again.. My bank account is going empty with paying for all these prescriptions that just sit here not being used.. And by all means I'm not paying 3000 for vaginal therapy.. Even my kidney dr. Said that's a joke.. My kidney specialist has been working great with me and feels my pain and wishes he can help but he Can not write the perscription... I know what I need to feel alive again but my doctor will not help me.. Any answers on how to get help.. Or why when I take an antibiotic I feel great.. I feel a long term antibiotic would work but can't get that either.. IC SUFFERER NEEDS HELP.. Any suggestions..