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repost- aluminum toxicity and anger and hypersensitivity in America....
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repost- aluminum toxicity and anger and hypersensitivity in America....

from: The primary side-effect or "wake-up call" that indicates aluminum has intoxicated the brain is a very serious condition called HYPERSENSITIVITY. It is progressive, and if it is left untreated it can escalate into irrational anger and displays of violence.


*Heightened sensitivity to light or darkness.

*Abnormal sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

*An aversion to noise, touch, movement, odors, etc.

*Unexplained feelings of apprehension or uneasiness.

*Feelings of inferiority, embarrassment or shame.

*Feelings of irritability, agitation or annoyance.

Those who are easily frightened or alarmed sometimes become overly disturbed and provoked, displaying irrational outbursts of anger, road rage, bad temper, etc.

In "America's Rage" aired on 48 Hours, November 16, 2000, Dan Rather lamented, "There may be no exit," after assessing the growing problem of anger in America.

One story profiled an angry, frustrated couple suffering in a dysfunctional relationship. It was the husband who tried to escape the anguish experienced between the two, because his wife was the abuser. Her wake-up call came when her spouse filed for a separation. Forced to face the dilemma of her uncontrolled anger, she checked into a facility that includes anger management in their services.

Unfortunately, the majority of administrators of these programs are unaware that irrational anger may be directly linked to aluminum toxicity. Indeed, ignorance about this problem is almost universal. Even educated healthcare providers, including registered dieticians, do not realize aluminum is present in ordinary foods. Nor do they understand that it is a toxic agent, as well as a drug, and that overexposure may be at the root of these people's emotional problems.

This fact represents a serious breach within the healthcare community; and even though these concerns plague the industry, there are no valid answers or solutions. Thus, patients of irrational anger are merely schooled in behavioral modification and prescribed beneficial drugs. But when they are discharged, they return to their families only to continue their exposure of toxic amounts of aluminum. Before long, they find emotions flairing and things going wrong again. Without being given a reason for their trauma, the source of their problems remains intact, threatening these families' futures forever.

Not all display their feelings outwardly. Some experience them inwardly, acting out their frustrations covertly, such as those who appear to be normal and friendly to others, but are committing acts of violence behind closed doors. These are the ones who are especially at risk, not only to themselves but to others around them.

If symptoms of hypersensitivity are not appropriately treated, they can progress into more serious disorders, such as panic attacks, phobias (excessive fear) and other traumatic emotional and mental illnesses. Even manic-depression and schizophrenia can be directly caused by overexposure to aluminum.

The stability of family life and our nation's domestic future depends upon rational minds and healthy emotions. But as long as the subject of aluminum [as it relates to Alzheimer's disease] remains controversial, future generations will inherit the devastation this disease produces until the facts are finally revealed.

Aluminum can get into the brain at any age. The problems it causes are well documented in Alzheimer's disease, yet most people are unaware that this toxic substance causes the same symptoms in people of all ages. Countless disputes and emotional stress among children and their parents can be directly linked to aluminum poisoning.

Perhaps the most frustrating situations occur when parents find they have lost control of their children. Many of these parents believe that childhood misconduct will diminish as children grow older, but when it continues and escalates into violence, they are at a loss to explain it.

Many parents respond by seeking professional help. Yet, because aluminum toxicity is not fully understood or treated, their problems only continue. School rampages confirm that these problems can no longer be ignored. The truth is, until the dietary laws are changed, society will witness more and more children vent their uncontrolled anger and rage toward others.

The problem begins in the womb. Because aluminum crosses the placenta, babies can be intoxicated even before they are born. Some are born with serious brain disorders that can be directly attributed to the mother's diet or habits. When hypersensitive infants appear to be healthy, their symptoms are diagnosed as colic. Aluminum also enters breast milk, so even the nursing infant is at risk.

Depending upon the level of toxicity in their mothers' diets, these children are born mentally handicapped. These are the children who display hyperactivity, attention deficits and aggressive behaviors from a very early age. If their mothers are not educated about the dangers of aluminum, these children will continue to be fed aluminized products, and their symptoms will only progress.

As these youths grow and develop, they become confused about rules and are unable to control themselves. They use poor judgment and make bad decisions, just two of the many related disorders of chronic aluminum poisoning. Illegal drug use is not the only reason teenagers fail to resist harmful activities in their teens. Their lack of impulse control was what got them started with illegal drugs in the first place.

The following paradox is thought-provoking and should be taken seriously. When teenagers or young adults bring harm to others, they are placed in prisons. When the elderly bring harm to others, they are placed in secured-living facilities. But when toddlers harm others, it is considered "normal" behavior. "> RELATED DISORDERS: THE BRAIN'S RESPONSE TO TOXICITY

All symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are "related disorders", yet the primary emphasis of most Alzheimer's organizations is memory loss. But memory deficit is just one of countless related disorders. The brain can malfunction in any number of ways after being exposed to aluminum. Even spiritual disorders can be attributed to the abuse of this substance.

For every person [of any age] who experiences memory loss, there are thousands of others who display far more traumatizing problems caused by this disease. This is why the signs of hypersensitivity should not be ignored. They can alert victims and families to stop aluminum consumption, as well as the intake of other toxic substances before difficult behaviors escalate into violence.

This crucial test is useful in other ways. When a victim is overly sensitive, h/she may be suffering from physical problems as well. What are some of these problems?

-Breathing disorders
-Bowel and urinary dysfunction (incontinence)
-Cardiac complications (including congestive heart failure)
-Fatigue (extreme exhaustion)
-Eye disorders
-Ear disorders, including hearing loss
-Immune dysfunction
-Motor tics (involuntary muscle twitches)
-Muscle weakness
-Organ dysfunction (pancreas, thyroid, etc.)
-Parkinsonian symptoms (AD-related)
-Sleep disorders

-Attention-Deficit Disorder
-Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Note: Many adults suffer from the conditions listed above. These disorders can be caused by other diseases, therefore, one's diet should always be examined to aid diagnosis.

-Displaced or unsubstantiated guilt
-Unrealistic expectations of oneself and others
-Exclusion of others who are not as spiritual
-Condemnation of those who do not measure up
-Unprovoked anger toward people of other faiths
-Offensive acts of violence toward opposition
-Inappropriate tolerance of criminal behaviorOTHER SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC ALUMINUM POISONING:

*Forgetfulness (short-term memory loss)
*Difficulty naming ordinary objects (keys, lamp, etc.)
*Difficulty managing time
*Diminished capacity to meet deadlines
*Diminished capacity to plan ahead
*Diminished ability to organize
*Diminished performance of former accomplishments
*Difficulty learning new concepts and skills
*Difficulty following instructions or directions
*Confusion and disorientation
*Inability to focus or sort through problems
*Difficulty listening to others
*Difficulty performing simple tasks
*Difficulty performing activities of daily living
*Poor personal hygiene
*Wearing inappropriate clothing
*Difficulty establishing or maintaining relationships
*Difficulty in showing affection or overly affectionate
*Feelings of inadequacy and dependency
*Decreased impulse control
*Obsessive, compulsive behavior
*Difficulty speaking (fragmented sentences, etc.)
*Unwanted or inappropriate verbal responses
*Name-calling or false accusations toward others
*Continuous talking or telling stories to strangers
*Divulging personal/private information to strangers
*Inappropriate interest in others' belongings/activities
*Delusional beliefs not based on facts
*Using poor judgement
*Using poor judgement when facing moral dilemmas
*Codependent on others who are abusive or demoralizing
*Decreased capacity to handle personal finances

The list is endless. Examine the problems troubling you or your loved ones, then examine the daily diet of those affected. Beware of denial, a common problem that occurs when concerned friends or loved ones are trying to help. Victims are sometimes incapable of recognizing or responding to symptoms. In fact, entire families can be seriously affected and yet appear to be "normal" to those who are unfamiliar with the symptoms.


1. Seek professional help, even if you don't feel the need is urgent. Follow the doctor's orders. Encourage the victim to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.

2. Refer your doctor and pharmacist to this website. All the signs and symptoms listed on this website can be caused by other diseases, as well. Your doctor can help determine what is causing the problems you are experiencing.

3. Begin to abstain from aluminum and/or other toxins to help reverse any symptoms you or your loved ones may be exhibiting. DO NOT WAIT.

4. Pay attention to what others are saying, especially if anyone is requesting a change in behavior. They may be seeing things that are not recognized by you.

5. For more information, click on the e-mail link below.


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