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Bombshell Ruling — Feds Have to Keep their Dirty Hands Off Legal Medical Pot Shops
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Bombshell Ruling — Feds Have to Keep their Dirty Hands Off Legal Medical Pot Shops

San Francisco, CA – In a landmark decision on this week, a federal court found that the federal government has no standing to block the legal operation of medical cannabis dispensaries, provided they comply with state laws.

The decision was a direct result of a congressional act last December, in which Congress cut off federal funding for the prosecution of cannabis clubs, provided they were operating within current state law.

The landmark decision came in the case of Lynette Shaw, who ironically opened the first licensed medical marijuana dispensary in the United States. Her dispensary was ultimately raided and shut down by the DEA in 2011.

Shaw has been in court over 100 times fighting the legality of the closure since her dispensary was shuttered, according to NBC. The decision by U.S. Judge Charles Breyer ended the long-running battle she has been engaged in with the federal government.

Judge Breyer ruled that the congressional decision to cut off funding for the prosecution of medical cannabis clubs took precedence over the Department of Justice, thus meaning that a federal injunction in place against Shaw and her dispensary had no legal standing.

Shaw’s attorney, Greg Anton, believes that this decision is a tipping point for medical marijuana in the U.S.



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