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Big Pharma’s Adderall Is Basically Crystal Meth, Says Dr. Carl Hart
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Big Pharma’s Adderall Is Basically Crystal Meth, Says Dr. Carl Hart

‘Outspoken drug critic Dr. Carl Hart recently made comments in the media about how the popular big pharma drug Adderall is pretty much crystal meth.

Dr. Carl Hart, an associate professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University who specializes in drug abuse and drug addiction, is also an outspoken critic of the drug war, and made comments in the media recently about how the popular big pharma drug Adderall is pretty much the same thing as crystal meth.

When appearing on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, Hart spoke about the crack epidemic and how it allowed the media and the politicians to overlook many of the issues with poverty and violence that existed in poor areas of America’s cities and instead use crack as a scapegoat. Hart admitted that crack is dangerous, but that it has been used as a scapegoat by the government, and like many drugs, there is a lot of misinformation out there about it.’

Read more: Big Pharma’s Adderall Is Basically Crystal Meth, Says Dr. Carl Hart



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