Re: Humaworm cleanse- odd combination of symptoms / struggling to feel better. All advice is greatly appreciated
You can start a vegatible/ fruir
juicing diet, use all fresh fruits and veggies. Wash them , cut them up and throw in the blender. Spinach, carrots, beets, turnips, apples, oranges, bananna, any fruits and veggies that u like. Stay away from starches ( potatoes), fruits and veggies are full of nutrients. It takes some will power. I gained 50 lbs with these worms, they mess up your metablism and excret toxins in your body. Shistosoma, flukes, ascarias all cause bloating and fatigue. It takes awhile to clear them and lots of meds/herbs. If their outside the colon you may need to be on meds / herbs for life. Mattk3 suggests tons of mineral supplements, you can get in one bottle of liquid minerals ( zinc, magniesium, ect..) and lots of vit C. The worms are draining u of nutrients. The die off is horrible as the spew out their defence toxins . U may have cdiff causing the diareah? I dont know why the cold feeling, possibly anemia?