10 y
Mirena missing and PREGNANT!!!
I will try to make this short! I am a divorced mother of 4 living children and one that passed away 4 yrs ago. My oldest is 15 and my twins are 3. I was glad to be away from my husband and enjoying life as a very busy single mom. I had been dating a man for 11 months and finally decided that he was a crazy maker and not the guy for me. It was a tumultuous breakup and I finally had enough and blocked his numbers.
Well, about a week ago, I realized my period hadn't come because my period had synced with a girl I work with and her period was over. I went and got a test not thinking it would be positive because I had a mirena. Well, the test line was darker than the control line. I was/am devastated.
My doctor feared an ectopic pregnancy and had me come in only to find NO MIRENA. What makes this crazy is, my mirena got pushed into my uterus after about 2 months. My doctor said it was fine where it was and could be removed in 5 yrs. I had approx. 6 months of spotting, and some very heavy bleeding that had to be treated hormonally and my dr told me it might be time to have it removed. Well, things normalized and I didn't go ahead with the surgical removal.
I had several other ultrasounds and the mirena is nowhere to be found. I never felt it expel and I discovered that I am not only pregnant with 1 but 2 babies.
I don't want this to be a pro-life/pro-choice debate. I am very pro-choice but am battling with the termination decision. I am also not religious...but very spiritual. I lost a baby 5 days before her scheduled delivery date and my life has forever changed because of her. This decision got doubly difficult because of her and because of the fact that I got pregnant with twins 7 months after her death. My ex calls himself a religious and god-fearing man, yet won't speak to me about this other than "take care of it or else...". I cannot afford 1, yet alone 2 more children and don't think I can go through a pregnancy alone. I am also 38 and he is 60.
Has anyone experienced anything similar? Can I litigate?