Two weeks ago, I received my Health Works Organic Goji Berries through an online special. Even though I had been curious about them for years, I had never tried them before. I already use a number of superfoods and health supplements in my diet, including fresh aloe vera gel, so I didn't think they would make that much of a difference. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong.
At the time I got them, I was in the process of healing from a burst blood vessel in my left eye due to a temporary rise in blood pressure. The burst blood vessel had caused severe eye floaters to form which significantly affected my vision. I had thick weblike floaters with dense black spots that caused real blind spots. When my right eye was closed, I could barely see out of my left eye, and it was swollen and very tender to the touch behind my eye ball. I was using wheatgrass juice internally and externally and phosphorous homeopathy pills which helped to reduce some of the swelling and tenderness, but had not really helped with the floaters. It was very scary.
The first night I got the Goji berries I took a handful of them about (1/4 cup)soaked them in water and ate them, then drank the soaking water. The next morning when I woke up, my left eye was itching. The dense black spots had broken up into small black specks and the thick weblike floaters had dramatically disbursed. I closed my right eye just to be sure that what I was seeing was real and was elated to find that I could see well out of my left eye for the first time in 3 weeks. As the days have gone on my vision has continued to improve. The swelling is almost completely gone, and there is no more pain behind my eyeball. Floaters are very faint now and continuing to fade.Read more ›