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Image Embedded Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy's phones are seized in £35m cocaine smuggling probe
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Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy's phones are seized in £35m cocaine smuggling probe

Daily Mail


Mr Sarkozy was on the plane at least three times between December 2012 and February 2013, for flights from Paris to Bordeaux where he was being questioned over a separate corruption scandal.

A judge ordered two mobile phones belonging to Nicolas Sarkozy to be examined in relation to a £35million cocaine smuggling scandal, it has been revealed today.

The former French president’s name appears in court papers about an attempt to fly 680kg of the drug out of the Dominican Republic.

Two French pilots involved in the case dubbed ‘Air Cocaine’ made a ‘James Bond-style’ escape from the country last week, leading to accusations that politicians in their own country were involved in setting them free.

A judge ordered two mobile phones belonging to Nicolas Sarkozy  be examined in relation to a £35million cocaine smuggling scandal. Mr Sarkozy is pictured with his third wife - former supermodel Carla Bruni

A judge ordered two mobile phones belonging to Nicolas Sarkozy be examined in relation to a £35million cocaine smuggling scandal. Mr Sarkozy is pictured with his third wife - former supermodel Carla Bruni

Now Instructing Judge Christine Saunier-Ruellan, who is based in Marseille, has confirmed she called for technical data about 60-year-old Mr Sarkozy’s phones to be investigated.

It included ‘details of telephone lines used by Nicolas Sarkozy and his entourage in the period March 2013 and March 2014'.

The judge also wanted ‘detailed bills’ and ‘geolocalisation for the months of March and April 2013’, according to papers obtained by the Journal du Dimanche.

Geolocalisation involves examining phone data to work out exactly where a user is at a particular time.

While the data did not establish any link between Mr Sarkozy and drugs smuggling, he is known to have used the Dassault Falcon 50 jet found with the cocaine on board at Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, on March 19 2013.

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