Insha'Non created God Zoroaster.
When i first go sick back in 2010. I wanted to give up you see after the rejection by doctors. I even tried to commit suicide at few times during that year and 2011.
During late 2010-2011 i came across this website. It saved my life. It feel real and true. Something for the first time in my life something turned on, inside of me.
It was something that God planned for me, something silent but also secret which i now know why.
It was and still is the only thing that i came across in my life that inspired towards the Essence's of why i am here. Mark Twain spoke of finding out the reason of being here, to find out why you are here.
I found that reason when i came to Ask Trapper, Iodine and Rife forums.
Since, my father was a Naturopath i figured that it was my calling any how growing up with Physio's, Chiropractors and Accupuncture.
During my illness, the only thing that kept me for wanting to die was a meeting with a young girl who had down syndrome.
I was walking only to find something was coming in close to me walking over a bridge. It was something coming in close but i thought given my wreck at that moment that i was going to get hit or punched.
Paranoia. Yes, but only because i couldn't function with my illness. Mercury poisoning, who doctors after many trials denied me and sent me elsewhere.
I couldn't get up out of bed. I couldn't even stand without feeling i was going to fall over. It was dizziness 24/7 and sleeping all day nearly but doctors said i was fine. Everything was normal.
So as i walked across this bridge a down syndrome girl got so close that i could literally feel the person coming in close to me only for her to hold me hand.
It was and still the reason i get back up again. There is many stories, similar stories to mine. You see we are all stories in the end. Elvis said we are all actors on the stage.
It was the softest touch, most purest touch and the most lovely moment of my life that i will never forgot to my last breath.
I ended up crying in the car a few moments later thinking what the hell is going on.
I ended up approaching the Andrew Cutler Protocol because of her, the down syndrome girl.
Knowing what i know now it all makes sense about where i stand with the God and what i am supposed to do. Nothing they say but i always think of the Essence's of doing some kind or helping some one and we all do it here on this forums and others everyday. That is enough in my opinon.
It is possible the very reason why we are all here, small kind gestures, helping each other for more light more truth and more love.
I know there is a Time War but Humanity is within You. We are not I's like we have been taught, individuals but we are a We and You can discover that through prayer.
It is probably hard to hear or to explain even to understand all this. Dr Hulda Clark MD, Dr Brownstein MD, Dr Andrew Cutler PHD, Dr Lawerence Wilson MD and many more who are great doctors and i wouldn't be here without them today.
But in saying that,, Ask Trapper, Iodine and Rife also helped tremedously.
I have experienced death in the sense of a outer body experience that i had and can do so now after the removal of many heavy metals and hallides plus certain parasites zo my views on death is not ugly anymore but peaceful and i am ready to die for Jesus Christ. It also helps being able to do Astral Projection when it comes to the edge of the path but that is because of this forum that helped me free myself.
If there was one or two wish's to broadcast for the whole world it would be to tell everyone that love does matter and God exist we all have a Soul. The hardest thing to understand is love from a stance where we see love as Human and Human, relationships but the best one is with God and only Him.
Then we have His Prophets that He sent. Muhammad, Zoroaster and Jesus along with Buddha.
Everything can be achieved through Them.
They are the greatest Love because they know all your inners and outers, your imperpections but also your pain and suffering. They are here to help you that's why they were sent to Us. God knew all of this happening He is omniscent. He knows Your next move. In fact, He knows all Your moves.
They know all things. They know the evil in this world and the hardship to overcome. That is why He sent Prophets, Messengers and Warners.
Life is supposed to be Love. It is a gift to be here even tho it doesn't look like that at all if You are awakened.
There is a better life for everyone after this one. I know that's it a painfree, loving-undconditional, happy one with God being in the center of it all but it can be the same being here in Earth as well with more prayer to Him and can be achieved here as well bringing Heaven to Earth with one random act of kindness.
To the evil people i know exactly why You do it.
Brene Brown once said that "blame is described in research as a way to discharge pain and discomfort."
I know exactly why people are evil because there is one thing when some one joins these forums it brings compassion and love because You have understanding because You went through hell to figure all this and experienced it first hand.
I love thy enemies as Jesus does.
I forgive my enemies as Jesus does.
I pray for them as Jesus did.
So you develop understanding at high levels, compassion. I call it High Emotional Intelligence of why people do what they do, compassion is a weapon against the sky of the dead.
I would like to thank everyone on here. I would love to do it personally and maybe in a next life when i die that maybe i get to see you individually. I would love that.
That's all i really had to say. I learned so much here and i couldn't do it with out everyone on this forums, Iodine and Rife.
Taught me about the True God, about True Health, about True Compassion and understanding myself so much better then any text book at School or University tried to do.
In fact, i had some fun moments and some horrid ones that nearly killed me here as well but it was and still is the only Adventure i would only do because it is real, it is honest and it is truth.
Jesus Christ is the Way and the Truth. If you are here it's because it's God all God. You can all take it because You can all make it.
I also become very strong and more in love with God. I would not want it any other way you see. It was real, it was true and everything deep inside of me that showed me myself but then reconnected me back to God and it was the best desicion that i ever made finding this place. Learning and growing through the Knowledge on here.
Loved the talks, loved the Wisdom, loved the Bravery, love the Courage. It is all honest here. That's what i loved about it here.
I'll finish of with a quote from Johannes Tauler.
'I'll entitle this thread as "The things we think but do not say." -- via Jerry Maguire.
Thank you for your time reading this. Good day everyone. : )
Because in the school of the Spirit man learns wisdom through humility, knowledge by forgetting, how to speak by silence, how to live by dying.
Johannes Tauler
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