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ID of Mite that displays Woven Cocoons
Flossy Views: 692
Published: 10 y

ID of Mite that displays Woven Cocoons

So far, I have thought I had bird mites, then Collembola. I have since found this article that shows the mite, Cheyletiella (Walking Dandruff).

This mite displays symptoms such as the black woven cocoons seen under the microscope plus it jumps and can do so without actual physical contact. It can jump onto a person from another person and can be felt.

I have had both of these symptoms and the major thing I have seen under the microscope is the cocoons. I believe those who have what they call Morgellons also see these cocoons.

My little black dog also showed signs of the "dandruff" on the ends of his fur.

I thought the major players and researchers may find this interesting.

Note well, this species is known already to be highly contagious to humans.


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