I realized my "holistic practitioner" had me on NAC and alpha lipoic acid and I'm just realizing now that thats what probably stopped my menstrual cycle and caused me even more problems. I say this because these supplements are chelating supplements, and I'm just finding out now that you're not supposed to take them while you still have mercury fillings in your mouth! Because they tend to leech the mercury out of the fillings and redistribute it throughout your body :(
Well great! No wonder my cycle stopped 2 months after I started seeing her. I think sacs formed in my ovaries to collect all the mercury. I read about this in Andreas book. That was his theory. :(
Aaahhh oh well, I guess everything happens for a reason, maybe If I didn't see her I wouldn't have started my holistic journey. It just sucks to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
I have an Amalgam filling removal appointment scheduled in about a month anyway...