10 y
Re: Marks & redness on body during parasite cleanse
Looks like pressure marks from your shirt and pants to me.
But if you aren't using a zapper, then you are only killing the ones in your digestive tract and most likely just annoying the ones that aren't.
So maybe them reacting--but I'd guess the 'deparasiting' stuff you're using is probably making your skin get soften and weaker, so it's more impressionable, if this much marking is unusual.
I know there's lots of weird crap out there now said to be for deparasiting, but I know from my own experience if you go with cloves,
Black-Walnut hull and
Wormwood , it doesn't bother your skin. Unless you have a sensitivity to it, of course, which I've never heard of, but could happen, I suppose.
But even those herbs don't kill worms outside the digestive tract, where nowadays they go easily because of how toxic we are, trashing the immune system.
Get a zapper. :) Download Dr. Clark's book, but focus on the deparasiting stuff at first, Otherwise it's pretty overwhelming and daunting, I think.