Sorry for not getting back sooner, but I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I just want to say my wife had cancer in multiple locations including breast, and we cured it using ozone a healthy diet, and juicing. You can read about it at this link. //
My wife is still cancer free after all these years.
I've had hundreds of people email me after hearing the story about her and I've had women with Breast Cancer tell me the tumor is just pealing off in their hand. But there becomes the issue of the open wound where the cancer was that has to be dealt with. That's where they seem to give up.
The point is ozone will get rid of the tumor. Especially if it's on the outside. Ozone is not for everyone and doesn't work in every case. But it did work for my wife.
I can give you more info on it if you want. If I can help, let me know.
Take care and good luck no matter how you choose to address the problem! :-)