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Candida bring out allergies?
Dansmaja Views: 946
Published: 9 y

Candida bring out allergies?

Hi guys. I think I need some of your advice form you experts. Background: Long term Antibiotics /birth control user. I'v been taking heavy doses of Antibiotics for three years (due to lyme disease) but have not been taking abx for last six months.

I'm ready to battle candida so I started on a candida diet and cut out wheat, processed food, sugar, easy carbs, fruits etc. For the first three days I fel great! Energy levels rised, I slept well again etc. Then all the old symptoms (burning tongue, overwhelming sleepiness etc) started coming back including new ones like headache, flu-like feeling and weakness. I attributed that to die off and just kept sticking to the diet.

I'v been doing the diet for over a month now. Recently I started to getting allergy symptoms after eating. Like itching, stinging burning lips, itchy rashes, elevated heart rate withing 20 minutes after eating etc. I have never been allergic to anything in my entire life but since starting candida treatment I'm all of a sudden allergic to almost everything? Do that sound normal? Can candida treatment bring on allergies? Or is it just die off?

As far as anti-fungals I've tried using capryl acid, garlic, Candex but I just feel worse from any of those and have to quit. I'm drinking small sips of homemade kefir but if I drink more than halv a cup I get flu-like feelings.

So, die off or just getting worse? I'm really clueless to why the diet is making everything worse.

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