Too Alkaline...causing anxiety/panic attacks?
I was suffering from stomach problems for two years straight and that's when i initially came onto this site to discuss reasons and find answers. I was sucessfuly able to mitigate the issues with diet modifications and a Product called cytoflora.
However, I am still not fully healed as I am still not able to eat certain foods. IT is recently come to my attention about my acid/alkaline balance. I was drinking
Alkaline Water for a few years before I had the issue with the stomach for two years.
Right now, my urine and saliva are very alkaline. I have ordered better test strips but the site that I read said that urine ph should be 6.2 and saliva ph could be 7.0. I am testing slightly more alkaline in the more like 7.5 range for both.
Right now i am suffering from severe anxiety/panic attacks. my anxiety includes bouts of severe pains all over my body, numbness, tingling, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, muscle tremors. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this.
So i decided to research my alkaline/acid balance. Some of my symptoms could be alkalosis. ANyways, the things that the doctors have figured out is :
Vitamin D Deficient
Vitamin B12 overabundance
Protein levels high
They said not to worry about all of those things but any who, I AM!
So, is there anyone that has any thoughts or advice to me? I am starting to think that i may have calcium deposits due to the alkalosis for so long and that that could be causing all the issues.
Any help would be so much appreciated :)