Nevada Assemblywoman demands safety study of Big Pharma's psych drugs after Oregon shooting
Well, it's about time.
Less than two weeks after the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore says studying the safety of Big Pharma's psych drugs is a necessity. Despite deceptive reports in the mainstream media and lying politicians, the Umpqua shooting is actually the first mass school shooting of 2015, based on analysis of data from Everytown for Gun Safety, an anti-Second Amendment group headed by former NYC Nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who employs armed bodyguards.(1,2)
"We have to look into what is being prescribed and what is in these meds just like clinical studies," the Republican Assemblywoman said. "Why don't we do studies on the medication all of these shooters were taking and take that medication off the market? Obviously, medications can alter your mind just as alcohol can alter the mind."(1)
It's a statement that is no doubt going to have Big Pharma scrambling, probably even resisting such studies. After all, theirs is a perpetual money-making industry that banks on people's good health becoming worse, only to urge America's youth to pop more pills to get better in contrived PR campaigns on social media, or at least hope that people buy in to that empty promise. There's a drug to address just about every mental and physical condition that is claimed to exist. But it now seems that, along with the likes of dizziness, nausea, cramps and depression, that they "may cause patient to go on a shooting rampage and/or exhibit violent behaviors of massive proportions, especially in public settings" should be added to warning labels.
Need to know more about pharmaceuticals an absolute must if society is to become safer
While that latter statement may sound like sarcasm, it most certainly isn't intended to be that way. The truth remains that every psych drug comes with its share of risks, many of which often go underreported.
For example, recent headlines provided shocking insight on the adolescent antidepressant drug Paxil (chemically known as paroxetine and sold in the United States as Paxil); it was determined that a study published in 2001 which advocated the drug did not actually prove it was safe after all. All of the suicidal behavior that was reported through the years turned out to be tied directly to its adverse effects; reassessment of the original study determined that the original study was filled with flaws, skewed information and purposely omitted details to include overlooking the extent of suicidal tendencies. Yet Paxil was approved and, until recently, widely-embraced as a go-to drug to combat depression.(3)
As previously reported, Oregon shooter taking "five types of pills"
As for the community college shooting in Oregon, Natural News is confident that there's a link between psych drugs and the horrific action taken by the shooter, Chris Harper Mercer, on that awful day. Mike Adams has reported on the psych med–violent behavior link in the past and did so yet again when news of the Oregon shooting developed. Adams noted a Facebook post in which Mercer said he was taking "five types of pills." You can view that post, and read more of what Adams has to say about Big Pharma's role in altering minds and leading to consequent violent actions here. He also points out the possibility that Mercer was vaccine-damaged, noting a New York Times article that discusses how Mercer's mom had difficulties raising Mercer, who "struggled with Asperger's syndrome."(4)
We applaud Assemblywoman Michele Fiore for taking such a stance. The fact that she's publicly conveying the need to address any links between certain pharmaceuticals and horrific behaviors is a necessity in today's increasingly-violent society. Hopefully her urging to delve more into the safety of pharmaceuticals will come to fruition, change Big Pharma's mindset and lead to a safer society where people don't engage in violent behaviors due to mind-altering, so-called "helpful" drugs.
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