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Re: Reality Check: Marijuana Did Not Kill Carly Fiorina's Daughter, So What Did?
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Re: Reality Check: Marijuana Did Not Kill Carly Fiorina's Daughter, So What Did?

Excellent video on reality checks.

Carly Fiorino is just another Hillarious. In my opinion based on the facts Fiorino is just another politician that has been paid to adopt the agenda against Marijuana.

You really don't think the Pharmaceutical companies are going pay for an agenda to stop the drugs they manufacture and cause so many deaths as outlined in that video.

The government have a cash cow taxing alcohol, and the only people they are going to arrest are the ones not paying the exorbitant tax to sell it.

Why hasn't the border been closed all these years. Because certain people in the government are getting wealthy by keeping it open. Jeb bush voted against marijuana legalization in Florida. His brother being the Potus could have closed the border, but he didn't. Obama has had almost 8 years to close the border where not only drugs, but anything else you can think of can be brought across the border.

The NSA claims they need to spy on our communications for Natrional Security reasons, but they leave the border open. My mother told me she didn't raise any dumbells, but somebody is going to have to explain that reasoning to me.

Before you vote this election you are going to come to grips with the facts. I'm sure your mothers didn't raise any dumbells either.



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