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Image Embedded Nigel Voden, a Home Office drug advisor detained in police crack cocaine raid
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Nigel Voden, a Home Office drug advisor detained in police crack cocaine raid

A senior civil servant at Theresa May's Westminster HQ, Nigel Voden, was detained by police on suspicion of supplying Class A and Class B drugs

A Home Office drugs expert has been arrested on suspicion of supplying crack cocaine.

Nigel Voden, 48, a senior civil servant who works in the drug and alcohol unit at Theresa May’s Westminster headquarters, was detained in a planned police raid on Thursday.



“The Home Office expects the highest standards of personal integrity from all its staff.”
Home Office spokeswoman

Police swooped on a suspected crack den in a block of flats where Mr Voden lives in Harrow, north-west London.

He has now been suspended, the Home Office confirmed.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: “We went to an address in Harrow as part of an ongoing investigation.

“Four men aged 18, 25, 37 and 48 were arrested on suspicion of possession of Class A and Class B drugs with intent to supply.

“All four were later bailed to come back to us in December.”

Mr Voden, a former immigration officer, was chairman of the Home Office’s group for gay, bisexual and transgender staff.

Teenager caught with crack cocaine and heroin in bra freed early to go to universityCrack cocaine (posed my model)  Photo: REX FEATURES

Recently he had been co-ordinating a project on potential reform of the “late night levy” which was introduced in 2011 and allows local authorities to charge pubs, clubs and bars which want to stay open late.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “We can confirm a member of staff has been suspended.

“It would not be appropriate to comment further as it is now a matter for the police.

“The Home Office expects the highest standards of personal integrity from all its staff.”



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