I have a few blood results.. i cant seem to link the 5-7 i have uploaded in adrenal group.im adrenal insufficient since last wk. All new. Will try again. But my numbers are ugh. Iron is 7.9 and other aspects of it are low but border the limits, vit b12 is 78 (active), b12 s.folate is 17.2, and
Vit d is only 25! My TSH is back up to 1.3 but ft4 is 11.2 so its down below the threshold of tbe ref range. Any advice?
Gp has said to have injections for b12. Every 3mths but said iron is fine. Others say no.. so do i asl.for.infusion? Tablets etc have done nothing and its dropped more then 50% in 6mth.