Could you please provide more details on the last few months of EC in your video. I am at the stage where my build up is very thin. Most of the build up falls off completely when I eat, except for a small patch in the middle of my upper lip. I don't mind the small flakes, but I really don't like how they turn sticky and white when in contact with water or when I am talking a lot. It is almost summer here and I want to swim at the beach without worrying about having white stuff all over my lips.
I read that in the last few months you gave up on the constant moisture method and started gently rubbing the white line off your lips. Can you please provide more details on what your lips were like when you did this.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. Your lips were much worse than mine have ever been, yet in all your videos you seem to be so positive and just get along with your life. I think it was partly your attitude and hope that cured you.
Thank you for taking the time to help all of us who are still trying to get through this. It means a lot :)