Hi and welcome. I think it may be best to ask your knowledgeable iodine people what you should do because nothing you have shared is something Moreless taught about pH balancing. This forum teaches his ideas and protocols. Moreless did not teach about using single elements to heal with. He believed in using natural foods that are home grown if possible and grown to it's highest brix rating.
He did however leave us with some homemade mixtures that were a concoction of ingredients that work together to help us when we are too sick to do anything else. Plus some baths to help draw out many of the excess acids. You can do a search for them on this forum if you like. Or visit his website at http://www.sicknesshope.com It's a little more organized and easier to find what you are looking for. However, you must join to read more than just the outside testimonials.
Either way, I hope you find something of interest here. It took me many years to understand it all, so if you have the time and energy to study all of this, then you may come away with a different understanding of pH and the body than normal teachings on the internet.
If you are looking more for the regular understanding taught about pH, then you can try and ask your questions at these forums: